Your life is impossibly busy and your kids are probably involved in a million things that you are lucky to keep track of. The notion of carving out extra time for family recreation probably seems like a stretch.
Yet evidence is mounting that... (Read More)
Sometimes we take the desire to be healthier and turn it into a large-scale project that is too overwhelming to tackle. Instead, we should focus on small aspects we can change. Consider these small ways you can become healthier from this... (Read More)
In many companies, it's a badge of honor to go to work sick. Only about 16 percent of U.S. employees use all of their paid sick leave each year, according to a report by NPR, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Harvard's T.H. Chan School of... (Read More)
Open enrollment for health insurance ended on Jan. 31. But a big change in your life, such as having a baby or adopting one, could allow you to purchase health insurance coverage outside of open enrollment. When you experience a "qualifying life... (Read More)
Walking is the easiest and perhaps best form of exercise for a long and healthy life. A daily, 30-minute walk can offer a variety of health benefits.
A better mood. Even if you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, going for a morning walk can... (Read More)