Paying for health care costs can be a daunting task if you aren't prepared, so any way you can find to save money on healthcare is a bonus. A Health Savings Account (HSA), is a healthcare savings plan available to individuals enrolled in a high... (Read More)
With the unpredictability in our everyday lives, it's not uncommon to ask, "what if?". But, more importantly, you might question how prepared you actually are. Rest assured, we offer you the peace of mind to live without worry while protecting your... (Read More)
Children today spend a significant amount of time online, often engaging in activities like social media, gaming, watching videos, and doing schoolwork. The average screen time for children can vary widely, but many spend several hours daily on... (Read More)
Coloring and painting provide a creative outlet for people of all ages, especially children, to express themselves freely and imaginatively. Through the use of colors and strokes, individuals can unleash their creativity, channel their emotions, and... (Read More)
It's time to start thinking about getting a flu shot. The flu vaccine isn't just for children and the elderly. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control says everyone should think about getting one.
While most people who get the flu recover after... (Read More)
Visiting the doctor can sometimes feel overwhelming, but with a bit of preparation and the right approach, you can make the most out of each appointment. When it's time for your next doctor's visit, consider these ways to make the most of the... (Read More)
Ever heard of the “Freshman 15”? It refers to the weight typically gained by young adults during their first year of college. It's also referred to as the "Freshman 10."
The good news is that most college freshmen don't appear to gain that... (Read More)
Forget the fancy diets and gym memberships. If you want to be a healthier you, try these inexpensive lifestyle changes that go a long way toward making you a whole lot healthier:
Drink more water. One of the easiest ways to make a big difference... (Read More)
Summer is a time to enjoy the great outdoors. But each year during the warm-weather months, thousands end up in hospital emergency rooms suffering from heat-related illnesses. So during hot weather, it’s essential to be aware of heat-related... (Read More)
Your vacation has been planned for months. Your business trip has been on the schedule for weeks. You don't have time to be sick! Next time, you will make sure this doesn't happen. You will be a healthy traveler! Here's how:
Keep germs away... (Read More)