Be honest: how many hours of sleep do you get at night on average? Less than seven? A lot less than seven? If that's the case, then you are part of the one-third of American adults that don't get enough shut-eye.
We all know that lack of sleep... (Read More)
Thanks to advances in modern medicine and disease prevention, Americans are living longer, healthier lives than ever. But a silent killer still stalks us. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and worldwide. Thankfully... (Read More)
Think dehydration only strikes on the hottest days of summer? Nope. You can easily become dehydrated in the fall and winter. It's an especially significant health concern during the winter because the cooler temperatures can trick you into thinking... (Read More)
Some surprises can be fun. A surprise $5 bill in your pocket. A surprise hard-to-get table at your favorite restaurant. But other surprises – such as an enormous medical bill - can be devastating.
Big bills can happen to anyone
No matter... (Read More)
Health Insurance OPEN ENROLLMENT! | Time to review your health benefits and premium options, please schedule a free review. | Chip & Kelsey will personally review your plan options to include all the Colorado health insurance carriers. | 2021... (Read More)
Is your child riding in the right car seat? It all depends on your child's age, weight and height. |
For infants and toddlers under 2 years of age, a rear facing car seat is generally the safest option until they reach the maximum weight and... (Read More)
Flu season and winter weather will be here before you know it. Are you looking for ways to boost your immune system and protect yourself from getting sick? Here are some simple —yet highly effective — ways to stay healthy:
Wash your hands... (Read More)
What are you thankful for? If you're not making time on a regular basis to ask yourself that important question, you're missing out on some incredible benefits that can help you be a better spouse, parent or friend. Turns out, there's overwhelming... (Read More)
If you're like most parents, each of your children probably has a number of toys and books stashed in your vehicle. Plenty of your own stuff is probably in there, too. Whether you're a harried Mom or Dad racing through busy days, you work out of... (Read More)