Your vacation has been planned for months. Your business trip has been on the schedule for weeks. You don't have time to be sick! Next time, you will make sure this doesn't happen. You will be a healthy traveler! Here's how:
Keep germs away... (Read More)
Summer can be a fun time of the year. But did you know it also can be great for your health? Here's why the warmer months can be just what the doctor ordered:
You get some time off. Summer is one of the most popular times of the year for... (Read More)
How savvy are you about portion sizes? Over the past 10 years, portion sizes in the United States have grown increasingly out of whack, and most people vastly overestimate how much they should eat at each meal. Consider this:
—One serving of... (Read More)
Hitting the gym or strolling around the park is obviously a great way to burn calories, but the additional benefits of a regular exercise routine often go overlooked. Are you aware of all the positive things a good workout can do for your body and... (Read More)
Living a healthy lifestyle can seem overwhelming. Don't let it be! Consider these four simple lifestyle changes that can make a big difference in how you feel and your overall health.
Get recommended health checks. Don't let the cost of... (Read More)
Feeling stressed out? You're not alone. Most of us have some level of stress. Our schedules are packed and there doesn't seem to be enough time to cross everything off the ever-growing to-do list.
Some amount of stress is normal and even useful... (Read More)
Have you named someone who could make health care decisions on your behalf if you are unable to? It's important to name a health care agent —also known as a proxy or surrogate decision-maker — while you are still healthy. A health care agent is... (Read More)
Your life is impossibly busy and your kids are probably involved in a million things that you are lucky to keep track of. The notion of carving out extra time for family recreation probably seems like a stretch.
Yet evidence is mounting that... (Read More)
Sometimes we take the desire to be healthier and turn it into a large-scale project that is too overwhelming to tackle. Instead, we should focus on small aspects we can change. Consider these small ways you can become healthier from this... (Read More)