Getting married? Becoming a parent? Turning 26 and no longer covered under a parent’s health insurance plan? Getting divorced? Losing your job and health insurance coverage? Big changes in your life can provide you with an important opportunity to make changes to your existing plan or purchase a new one outside of the open enrollment period that starts in November.
In health insurance lingo, these big changes are called ‘qualifying life events’. If you plan on purchasing health coverage after a qualifying life event, you must meet certain criteria. For example, those who are moving must be ‘permanently’ moving to a new address outside the coverage area of their current health plan. A temporary relocation or extended vacation doesn’t count. You also must act quickly. Typically, you have only 60 days from the life event to enroll.
Questions? We’d love to help! We can help you understand the new special enrollment period rules — and make sense of all of the changes coming to the world of health insurance. Our goal is to help you make informed choices that are right for you and your family. Call or visit us anytime if you have questions about your coverage. We want to be your health insurance resource.